Monday, September 24, 2007

The "Terrible Twos"

Who made up this phrase?

My 16 month old son did not transition into this phase, but hit a brick wall and the tantrums began. He's currently a novice flopper, but as he gets more practice, I'm sure he'll reach champion levels.

Sixteen, I wish I had a little more time to be with my sweet little precious boy who always had a smile on his face(even when I told him "No!". Now I say "NO!" and his little face srunches up, and his bottom lip comes out and from somewhere in his cute little belly, a really good cry is about to unleash. In order for him to get maximum effectiveness from this upcoming cry, he must first flop to the ground as if he needs to wiggle and force it out of him. And by the time it makes it out to for all of the world to hear... he's on full blast temper tantrum. It's actually quite comical to watch, if that isn't too mean to say!

We have learned to look the other way during these times. We know after reading several official looking websites, that it's best to ignore and not feed the fire. This is "just a phase" as he is growing in independence and looking to control his own world. (hmm, sounds like a teenager I know

Speaking of teenagers, Kendall waited until she was at least 18 months old before unleashing her temper tantrum powers upon the world. She could throw some class act fits in public. One day in Germany, she decided something wasn't right, and went for a fit in her stroller.....she balked, she screamed, she cried, she yelled. Passerbys thought my stroller was some sort of torture device. Germans do not like public disturbances like this, they are a more reserved and quiet society.

So two children, both hit the "terrible twos" before they every reached why give it this name? I think it's to fool parents. They'll believe that their precious little toddlers are going to be sweet and smiley until they reach two, and then they'll deal with the fits. I would have cried if someone told me I only had 16 months of precious child before he wanted his freedom!!

:sigh: I look forward to the day when he smiles at me again with no hint of a fit in his immediate future because I didn't hold him the way he wanted. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy Lola's smile....until...dum dum dum....15 months?

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