Monday, October 22, 2007


Anyone...who is mother or father...who has raised a child through the teenager years just shivered at the title of this blog. As parents, we KNOW how we were at this age, and then to see our children grow and start this stage of's enough to call up your own parents and offer the most heartfelt apology you'll ever give.

What makes it so hard? They talk back. They have a voice now. At the terrible twos(which is somewhat relevant to teenagerdom)all the child has is crying, kicking and screaming. Although it's somewhat annoying, it's tolerable and often laughable. But the teenager has moved beyond this, to learn how to piss you off with words. Today's common phrase..."I'm just sayin'" is enough to drive you to the bottle when whined by a teenager.

The teenager doesn't know when to stop. They push, and push and push, trying to find out where their boundaries are, just like when they were two. I try to reason and have a conversation with my teen about her social tortures and classroom dramas, but that phrase...."I'm just sayin'" throws me off the deep end.....(you know it's true kk)

I love my tween, soon to be teen.....and someday....when she's in her 30's...and her baby is saying the phrase of the day to her...she's going to call me, and say..."I'm sorry mommy", I'll have the biggest grin on my face, and simply say..."thank you". And after I hang up, my husband and I will toast and have a secret giggle.

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