Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Girls and Drums

I was at "Toddler Time" at the local public library this morning, with my toddler son and infant daughter. When it came time for music and instrument time, I saw a little girl reach up and ask for the drum. The teacher promptly handed her the drum and the little girl was happy to march around banging on her drum. That warmed my heart and brought a tear to my eye.

Why? Because when I was a little girl in Kindergarten, we had to pick instruments in a similar way, and I spoke right up and asked to play the drum. My teacher said..."Girls don't play drums." WHAT KIND OF THING IS THAT TO SAY TO A 5 YEAR OLD!!!! Yes, she said it. I was crushed. It's one of those vivid memories that sticks with us forever and even effected my life. And you know what....I played the drums. I played on the University of Miami Drumline for three years, and it was one of the best times in my life.

I hope that in the microcosm of our local public library that this somehow hopefully represents how the world has changed (or changing). It's ok for a girl to play the drums.

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