Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber

Aight kids....politics is confusing we know....and no one wants to say things out right for the fear of being attacked or harassed by a reporter, even if you get one significant lil fact wrong. Which hey, I might be doing please correct me if I'm wrong.

Ok Joe the Plumber....If you are profiting over 250,000.00 a year doing your job.....yes, you will go in a higher tax bracket.

DO YOU REALIZE...that you are in the TOP 5% of the United States average income?!?!? The rest of us little people are averaging 65k a year...with DUAL INCOME.

So spare me your whining about making so much money. I'm sure you work darn tootin hard for it and have put hours and hours and tons of sweat into your business, but if you find you can't afford to purchase another existing business...maybe you should wait a little bit. This IS "a recession" and expanding might not be the best idea right now.

It's just like people who purchased homes when they really couldn't afford it. You seem to be putting yourself in the same want to purchase a business, but not sure you can afford it. I suggest sitting down with a business planner and figure out what you can afford.

wait....he's isn't in the tax bracket he was discussing?

and may not be registered to vote?

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